
Showing posts from 2015

My 50th post and happy new year

Happy New year to all you of you and I want you to know even if you came across my blog or you read it dutifully. I love all of you and I hope each of you have a great year ahead. Love you lots Anne/Andrea 

Exes and stuff

Hello My name is Andrea/Anne and this is my blog and my life goal is to write about my pathetic life to a bunch of people on the internet you couldn't give a less of a sh*t . But in the years to come this blog has become my escape and getaway from my life. So as usual I'm here to pour out all my feelings in hopes to feel better. Ps I encourage All the people who feel not so good or had a bad day to blog. My ex from middle school, My first bf who I didn't even kiss or hug. That's why I'm sixteen and not been kissed yes my life is horrible.No its not there are people with worse lives. But Recently he sends me messages like "call me back and let's hook up".His words not mine and the reason why I'm being a bitch according to his friend. Well he now in a an all boys school that's why we broke up as he moved to another school and now he trying to contact me as he feels like I'm the only girl who will go for him and I don't know

Why you gotta be so rude

Teachers think they are the kings of the world. I normally like and tolerate my teachers. And from the time I was small there was always that one subject teacher whoever it was who that I hate it - The Bio Teacher I have been in 3-4 schools and The bio teacher always hates me.But they never took it this far. Since you guys don't know me I'm usually really sensitive which is one of my qualities after fat and ugly I loathe the most and after that comes my ability of sucking at everything and the fact that bio exam tom yet instead of studying I'm bitching to you guys :P And when my teacher shouted I cried and being in twelfth grade this highly inappropriate and I wanted to throw myself of the building.I know what you all think yes I;m baby and I hate myself for it and ugh why am I so sensitive and anyway where was I ? Oh yeah and she has making fun of me ever since and I hate it like yeah this other teacher also makes fun of my sensitivity but that's in a playfu

Twelve days of christmas fangirl style

I really thought I could do blogmas. Yes that's what its called. But I have exams coming up cause my school is a sadist convention. So I thought let me do my edition of 12 days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Joe and Caspar hit the road DVD On the second day of Christmas my true love  gave to me a two pointless books and  a Joe and Caspar hit the road DVD On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three hunger games books,two pointless books and a Joe and Caspar hit the road DVD On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me four maze runner books,three hunger games books,two pointless books and a Joe and Caspar hit the road DVD On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me five one direction albums, four maze runner books,three hunger games books,two pointless books and a Joe and Caspar hit the road DVD On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me six mortal instruments books,five one dir

Im thankful for

I'm thankful for My family My friend My readers who take time out to read this crap :D My wattpad, tumblr and twitter friends i love My fandoms that makes me feel part of a group The books , movies and tv shows which show me lives I could never have I'm thankful for my friends himalaya girl Who I wrote my blogpost about :D I'm thankful for you guys Now write what you guys thankful for ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hello from the other side

Hey guys I feel like I want ot be honest with you. I need your help. I like my friend's boyfriend. I know that makes me a horrible  person but to tell you the truth i liked me before they even dated . But I didn't tell her . And now its too late . Am I a horrible Person ?? I promise I didnt make a move ? Am I horrible ?? Okay  Bye Anne/Andrea 

Introducing me

I just realised its almost been a year since I started blog.But you guys dont know thing about me so here I go My name is Anne/Andrea on different websites I'm in grade 12 and in american language a senior I love YouTube . And my favourite YouTubers are Joe Sugg Caspar Lee Oli White Lily Singh Jim Chapman NikiandGabi Mylifeseva Mikey Murphy and Luke Korns Rclbeauty101 Zoe Sugg Tanya Burr Marcus Butler Alfie Deyes Connor Franta Ben J Pierce Troye Sivan Dan and Phil I love pop music and some rap, I have so many ships If I write themm all here It will become a novel Fav book series - too many to name Fav tv shows- Too many to name And Yeah thats me

Poem #Idontevenremember

Another Poem XX I have something to say And one day I will And when I do I will have my fill Of all the times of torment Those disapproving nods When they told me that I was just a dent In the life of the Lords Those words Those emotions Those tears Those times of near Death All because I was girl I was not a boy I was a girl with a dream Not a boy A girl with high marks Not a boy A girl loved by all Not a boy Yes I'm not a boy But I'm girl and I'll prove my worth Hey Guys, I know I'm weird and depressing but I'm Andrea / Anne and you know my story but not my name lol I'm weird ok. Deal  with it.... This poem is based on one of my bffs life who is a only daughter in a family of three boys but her brothers are the only ones who care about her and Her mom and Dad treat her like she doesn't Exist. Her brothers are really sweet and they buy her everything she wants. And yes Im jealous as I'm an only child. <3 <3

A little white lie

I'm the cause of destruction The gossip I created The lies I told to save myself I'm stupid I'm an idiot I kill happiness The epitome of all that's wrong in this world I hate myself I hate the world All these feelings untouched now float around my body Paralysing me in fear Fear of stupidity Fear of rejection In fear of all that's there in the world All because of a little white lie Follow my tumblr ppl Its pretty weird but yeah Also I got 700 views yesterday mental thanks I thought I would only get 2 but thanks Anne/Andrea out And if youre feeling extra giving here are some charities you can donate to standuptocancer;

Dust in the wind

The sun came up finally It seemed like I lasted through the night I thanked some mystic force that saved me from myself As I walked down the halls with tears in my eyes As I saw him there Smiling without me It lead to the my nights where I cried where I questioned life When I almost ended it Why does he look happy with her? Should I miss him? Does he miss me? I loved him I love him But Im dust in the wind to him Guys Anyone want to submit some poems to me tell me X Anne/Andrea :D

Remedies to feel better about yourself

Today I wanted to shrink away and say vanisho and disappear from the face of the earth.  I cried twice today in class for no freaking reason and before you all say probably cause of your period I say this once.I WASN'T ON MY FREAKING PERIOD .I just did it cause I don't even know anymore what life means  And when I wanted to talk with my friends they all are in relationships and they don't have time for me any more so I had to make myself feel better so I came up with this list Treat your self with a giant pizza and ice cream or any favourite foods  Binge Watch a tv show Watch a movie  Read a book have a sleepover with friends  have a marathon of your favourite Youtuber Have a heart to heart with your sibling or mom or anyone you want just play some music and dance your heart out or sing or just move Look back at old picture :') of happy memories childhood would be the best Imagine situations where you get your happy ever after DON"T READ MY

Happy Late birthday Joe Sugg

Dear Joe In  3 years you have come so far from thatching roofs to writing graphic novels and shooting a documentary/movies about you and one of your best mates. You are so humble and sweet and deserve all the happiness in the worldd so proud of you. And when username evie is available in my country I will buy it. Love you . hope you had a great birthday <3 Your my inspiration I'm so proud of you Suggy boy In case you don't know who Joe is



Poem #4

Goodbye Goodbye world it was nice knowing you though you caused me sadness and worry I need to say bye To what I thought was forever  To friends who whispered behind my back To my family who knew I was burden To my teachers who had no hope To my neighbours who thought I was weird To the school that's a safe place But makes you insecure about everything To this world I called home To this shit I call a poem Bye see you in a better life Goodbye life and people

Being a Duff

I saw the movie ok.I didn't read the book.Pls Don't Kill me In the movie Bianca says "We all are some one's duff" I like the message behind the movie but what gets me about all these teen movie about the "nerds" , "duffs" and "non popular" is it all ends up with them getting the girl or boy.But irl it doesn't happen we all know that.I know they want to give us hope and make us believe that the hot guy/girl will fall for us.In some movies the nerd falls in love with a another nerd but doesn't happen either. But as teenagers we all grow up with the notion that the ultimate thing in out life is falling in love and most of the time we make out to be our life goal. But is love our main goal. Are we sent to Earth to fall in love ? Or make a name for ourselves ? Many of us think High school is the worst part of our lives but I dont agree.The outsode world is 10 times worse.Sure people can't harm you physically

things I need in my life

Money to buy Youtuber Merch Money for Oscars hotel preorder Some body to be like Mitchell Jope and sing Did I mention for me :( A tumblr like room Pinterest desserts 100 twitter followers Comment down below your'e list of things you probably you won't get :D ANNE/Andrea Out  :O

Poem #3

Future It seems bleak It seems scary But they act like it not's different It's part of life they say I want to be a YouTuber I say They laugh I want to be in showbiz I say They laugh I want to write shows I say And they laugh I want to do what I love in the future They Laugh I want to be me in the future They laugh  I want to love the future I laugh

Poem #2

Old Friend I see you everyday As you pass by But I have tried to walk up To you in hopes of In hopes of A renewed friendship But I don't And neither do you You don't smile at me Any more Tell people you're side of the story Because people like you They don't notice me But only you You were the love of my life But know now I'm a dried leaf on the ground

Late Happy birthday to Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is an inspiration A queen,an artist but mostly importantly an idol she deserves  all the praise and love in the world Happy 23rd birthday queen <3 And a big shout out to ppl who +1 all my posts it's so sweet that you like y bad grammered rants :D <3 <3 #teaminternet

Poems and stuff

I tried poetry for class and was pretty pleased with it Hope you like it x Ps forgive it's not up to the mark :)                                  Lover's Dream I dreamt I saw him again It was all so vivid yet vague I got lost in his eyes again The world stopped as we kissed But my eyes opened And there I lay in cold sweat I heard trees sway to the beat the beat I danced to with him It happens every night Every time there's no more light I wish it stopped yet I wish it doesn't It's the only way I see him I miss his smile The way he lit my world The way he held my hand The way we kissed The songs he sang The way we moved He was mine I was his And he my ever lasting Bliss I want him I need him But now all I can see of him  Is in my lover's dream Anne/Andrea out using my poem or posting my poem without permission is plagiarism 

Connor Franta

Connor here's a fan letter to you I love you.Your'e the best. I'm so proud of you.You are literally one of my inspirations.I remember till now you were the first male Youtuber I ever watched. The fact youre so much happier now makes me grin from ear to ear.And in your'e new video the way you shouted i like boys with a smile made my heart melt. And You handle everything with such grace like the e!online comment to Grace ( which I will rant about later :D) And now I feel like your'e dating Troye but you are keepin it private but All of us know Connie. Love you.Thanks for being a inspiration Andrea/Anne <3 <3 Ps ignore all my spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes in my blogs I'll edit from now on <3 XOXOX

Youtuber Book

I have a lot to say about this topic but don't want drama. Here are the books I have Girl Online~ Zoe Sugg What I want  Binge~Tyler Oakley The Amazing Book is not on fire ~ Dan and Phil A work in Progress~ Connor Franta Girl online on tour~ Zoe Sugg Username Evie~ Joe Sugg I hate myselfie ~ Shane Dawson ( this is on I want os badly I hope he makes more short films based on the book <3) Self Help` Miranda  Joey Graceffa's book Other Merch   Wild Album Caspar Lee's limited edition clothes <3 Anything from the Dan and Phil Shop Smosh merch :) Superwoman Merch Jamesandfriends JoeandCapsarhittheroad Yeah I think that's all. Leave a commment down below what merch you like  Just watched Gabby';s new video honesty <3 Ok Bye  Peace Out Up next rant about tcas :D


This an article really close to my heart I wrote in the summer of  June-July.And no one should deserve to be treated like one.And im not telling you a sob story but giving my opinion to the world on the subject.Names have been changed.I really hopes this esends a message My cousins are over and they have come all the way from England.Yay I am going to go with them to Mr and Mrs Black 's house.How fun :D It was not fun.I was treated like shit Lila Black (the daughter) treated me like scum cause I'm brown Didn't introduce me to her other friends but introduced my cousins Didn't offer me food Told my cousins they look nice and whispered jokes about me because I am fat that I look liked a walking talking version of a blue whale Gave me poor dares to look bad in front of  her family thanked everyone for coming to the party but not me Offered people cake acted like she was giving me some and walked off when I was talking causing me to hit her dad

Why jaspar are like joey and Chandelr

After a serious post you make a fun one :D Joe is Chandler with his funny jokes and doesn't like to face his emotions Loves their roomates deep inside thought they don't show it much Always makes fun of  their stupidly cute roomate Caspar and Joey loves emotions and pizza. Appear to be fun and quite stupid but thats for our entertainment Laadies Man They have a foosball table Oli is there Ross literally Oli and Joe get along quite well and he would allow him to date Zoe but not Caspar.Ross allowed Monica to date Chandler (not really) but not Joey They are roomate goals Jaspar have emma lee Joandler have duck and chick <3 <3 And they are freaking friendship goals


"The future is bleak for most of us that still believe in fairy-tales,happy ever after and existence of fair justice" The world is a stage and you can achieve whatever you set your'e mind to will work out is what I've been hearing my whole life and now that I'm a senior it scares the shit out of me.With looming questions over my head like "What do you want in life" or "Is this subject really what I like" it starting to stress me out and I have a lot of moments where the stress overtakes me and i feel like as if the whole world just blacks out for a second.The twist in the tale I know what I want to do but I know  there is a 25 % my parents might be supportive of me and it's not a sure job and I can't do that. I want to be a YouTuber so badly not for the fame just for the heck of it.The whole night I get so any video ideas and i write it all down and I want to do it but then I think of all the negative parts of it - the hate,the la

Happy birthday Selena Gomez :)

You were my childhood inspiration and still are. You are really one of my favourite singers and I love you so very much !! happy birthday Queen 30 post swag 


Life mostly doesn't comes with instructions but there are people all round us to tell the jest of things-whether it's giving birth,having sex or getting married.but one thing that no one knows about is Death.It is one of those mysteries of life-What is there beyond Death ? Is our soul still alive or is it end of everything.Yesterday I had a panic attack just thinking about how when I die the world will still revolve as if nothing and very soon any remembrance of me on this earth will vanish and that'll be it.I mean imagine 100 years later no one will remember who you were and even famous people will soon disappear maybe slower than us but they still do disappear . i mean come on We all barely know our great grand parents never mind their parents and some children today don't even bother with their parents death. I mean imagine someone from 3015 reading my blog (yeah right) and imagining oh god our forefathers or foremothers? were very grumpy and moody teenagers,a

Jaspoli part 2 ( with a hint of Troylnor )

Well after my depressing blog the other day I realised that by putting out negativity in the world I'm not helping anyone.And got  a nice message from on of the people who read it saying that I am an idiot in not so kind words so i thought I write about this feeling i had recently about Jaspoli friendship; Oli and Joe are the new Jaspar there I have said it.I don't know but watching their recent vlogs and videos of the Philippines and Thailand I get this feeling that Joe and Oli have become really close and that's not  a bad thing but I adore their friendship <3.And I  feel bad for Oli cause Caspar always makes it out like he likes Joe  better maybe he does but I feel like Joe is not that close with Caspar cause Caspar says "Hey guys this my best friend Joe" but Joe says "Hey guys this is my "roomate"Caspar ".So I don't know I feel like they have grown apart and maybe that's true or maybe not.But recently I feel their friendshi

I feel like Shit

Recently My best friends have got into relation ships,my enemy has a boyfriend and hell even my sister,And this make me happy for them but I feel like shit.Many of friends who are single have been asked out on dates atleast. But for me zilch zero nada .No one has asked me and I'm 16 and not had my first kiss or boyfriend and yes I feel like shit.Anyone would. My friends starts their conversations with my better half or As my best guy friend says that girl I love....... Like Why. I know what's wrong with me but Being fat is not my fault I try and exercise and stuff but chocolate so good.The other day this guy came and asked me out and i was so happy until he told me it was a dare and badda boom I was crushed. And it hurts so badlyy.I am so close to just giving up not only Am I shit in school and  I look shit now I suck at everything and I don't know what to mom  tells me I should wait and be happy.That everything will be fine.but it hurts since it's summer my

#jaspoli and other youtuber feelings

Joe,Caspar and Oli are easily my favourite Youtubers ever.And I ship Jaspar so much.But I don't know if it just me or  I get the feeling Caspar and Joe have some kinda tension  because Always Caspar tweets Joe but he doest reply and in the new Chris Pratt video he didn't even comment on it. And He seems to even in his vlogs mention Oli more maybe I am just being Crazy but that is just my feeling and I maybe wrong So Don't Hate on me And Will and Arden Otp literally About KSI and Thedora Lee I really think Caspar should have said something about it.Don't you think??? And IIsuperwomanII 's New tour is killing it and so proud of her... Bethany Mota's Voice Wanting Tronnor to be real Tyler and Connor to be friends again And yeah who else loves Andrea's new hair That's it ok Byebye


Im so happy...... Here's to happiness and equality I hope tronnor gets married And to the LGBT community so happy for you guys And to America Congrats on this progressive step Love Andrea/Anne 


Summer's here !! Sorry I haven't been on here so much but it's because I have been on holidays.And sorry guys wont be on this blog soo much as it's summmer . And well,I'm trying to get ajob but mainly it'll be binge watching so many tv shows and youtubers that I wont have the patience to sit and wrote.Sorry I love my blog but I want a break from writing my feelings and just have fun.But I'll be back in August. My parents suprised me with a trip to the Himalayas in June and It was the best ten days I had and I stood there In this place they called snow point on the Indian side of the Himalayas It was so beautiful and it gave me so much perspective and I went all movie like and texted All my friends that I am now a changed person (fat chance) and I would put a picture but my phone is really ow on battery and would take a lot of battery to put it up.Anyway the point is not only did I visit one of longest mountain ranges but I actually had my eyes

As a tribute to this one year anniversary of my wierd blog


Zayn Malik Leaving

This topic was bound to come and on the 2 month anniversary of the inauspicious leaving of our favourite Zayn Malik. Let's be friends and cry our hearts out. I found out about the news on twitter and it was heart breaking and I remember me and one of best friends sitting on the floor and crying and I know all of you are judging me but It hurts me when friendships break up and something in my universe goes off  balance and everybody around just move about as if nothing happened as if Zayn leaving the band was as common as a dog barking. But after a while we all accepted it and moved on at least I did. Little did we know this was going to be an adventure or rather a roller-coaster of feelings and emotional turmoil. And It all didn't  start with our friend Naughty boy contrary to popular belief but it started with the announcement  that Perrie Didn't want to incite the one direction boys at her wedding which all of responded to Zayn would never do that and then he released


I hate mystery books there I said it. But the WHOLE WIDE FREAKING WORLD seems to love it.Maybe It's because I don't like living in the dark or because ( I don't mean  to brag) but I always figure out who the murderer. Umm I mean most of the time and get mad with the characters for not figuring out and the other I was watching the mentalist and I kept screaming  JANE THE MURDER IS _________________  and that person was the murderer but yet they took 8 more mins then me to realise it. OK maybe I'm proud of the fact that I am good with mysteries but It irks me all the same to see that no body else seems to get that . Another thing that makes me get irritated is on-off relationships I mean come on. You ship them so hardcore and they break up over the smallest of stuff or because of other reasons Cough Ross and Rachel cough . And that's why Ladies and gents Monica and Chandler are my favourite couple on friends after that is Ross and Rachel and One ship that didn't

Happiness ???

How is happiness achieved ? Is there a fountain or a wishing well where I can throw a coin and receive this so called phenomenon we call happiness. We are all chasing behind Power, Fame and Money with this notion in our head that this will give us happiness and we chase it. And lose all that is important in process. We make out life to be a competition and teach that to our kids as we enforce this idea into their brains and bring them up to believe life is a race.All the parents reading now will be saying no I don't bring u my kids like that but influence is like a ghost and it follows you and leaves a mark on you so yes they too grow up to believe first or nothing. This not a cycle that happens to everyone but only to me and people around me.They are so immersed in making it big they break so many hearts. Sorry I just needed to let it out if you don't understand it give it like and if you like the post and relate it to it give it a +1, <3 <3 <3 Ps The Royal Baby g

Happy Birthday Caspar Lee (revised )

Today is my favourite South African's Birthday so I want to pay tribute to the 21 year old who I have been following since 3 years now and I loved him since I saw my very first video of his with Jacksgap. South African Slang and now I love you and wish you all the happiness in the world. Joe is in this video a lot probably because your bromance is the best in the world =D. ANd if this upload is late sorry the video is taking a lot of time to process . Happy Birthday again,   I realised the video was never uploaded hope it uploads now <3.

You Again

You again is my worst nightmare. For those people who haven't watched the movie it's about this girl Marnie who has come a long way form high school but now she goes home to find out that her Brother is marrying the girl who made her life hell in high school but no that's not worst part. This is Her Whole family adores her. That's literally my nightmare and yes I'm an only child but I am pretty close To my cousin brother if he marries my Nemesis who still makes my life miserable I will DIE and I mean it. god and trust me unlike the movie my life wont have a happy ending and spoiler alert The popular Guy wont come nest to me never mind become my boyfriend. I cried throughout the movie cause I felt bad for Marnie.Because my Family are the only people on this earth who love me and I wont let my anyone Steal that from me especially not my worst enemy. And knowing my life I wont even be successful. I know what you all must be thinking " All this girl does is write



To be completely honest

There are the a lots of things I hate about myself but the thing about myself that gets on my nerves other than my physical appearance is my way of writing and talking. As when I start off it'll be really good I usually stick to the topic and everything will be fine but then towards end I go all positive and intense i could be talking about an ice cream and towards the end I would say something like " Ice cream always remind me of the better times which just shows we all should always try and be happy. Let's spread happiness  and make this world a better place for all of us". I bet the term that escalated quickly was practically made for me. You guys must be thinking why I am bloging so much recently. It's because of Girl online written by - Zoe Sugg aka Zoella on YouTube has inspired me that by writing out my feeling it helps. And guess what it actually does. So encourage you guys to write one it's like a diary  but someone else jut might read and know tha


When I first started writing this blog I thought I was a great writer but now that I read my blog posts back I realised my English is crappy and My Blogs  are meaningless. But then I realised my blog is not for anyone else but myself as no else read its. Maybe I write my thoughts out here as no one knows who I am and they don't care about me to get hurt by what I say. Being a teenager is a phrase used by many and usually followed "It's hard but you wont understand". Then our parents say " You do realise I was your age once". What they don't seem to comprehend is that they lived in very different times from us. Granted they had their own difficulties but we have quite different hurdles from them. We live in a world which is progressing to a state where all us humans are going to be dependent on technology. And yes I am also a slave to technology but along with its positives it has brought some negatives to name some of the few - Cyber bullying. B