
I hate mystery books there I said it. But the WHOLE WIDE FREAKING WORLD seems to love it.Maybe It's because I don't like living in the dark or because ( I don't mean  to brag) but I always figure out who the murderer. Umm I mean most of the time and get mad with the characters for not figuring out and the other I was watching the mentalist and I kept screaming  JANE THE MURDER IS _________________  and that person was the murderer but yet they took 8 more mins then me to realise it. OK maybe I'm proud of the fact that I am good with mysteries but It irks me all the same to see that no body else seems to get that . Another thing that makes me get irritated is on-off relationships I mean come on. You ship them so hardcore and they break up over the smallest of stuff or because of other reasons Cough Ross and Rachel cough . And that's why Ladies and gents Monica and Chandler are my favourite couple on friends after that is Ross and Rachel and One ship that didn't become canon Phoebe and Joey </3.Yup that was very interesting Anne -_-. But anyway if you think that you are like me give this blog a +1 :P ..........


Andrea <3 :*

Ps Andrea is my ghost writer persona :P

PPs #teaminternet
