Happiness ???

How is happiness achieved ? Is there a fountain or a wishing well where I can throw a coin and receive this so called phenomenon we call happiness. We are all chasing behind Power, Fame and Money with this notion in our head that this will give us happiness and we chase it. And lose all that is important in process. We make out life to be a competition and teach that to our kids as we enforce this idea into their brains and bring them up to believe life is a race.All the parents reading now will be saying no I don't bring u my kids like that but influence is like a ghost and it follows you and leaves a mark on you so yes they too grow up to believe first or nothing. This not a cycle that happens to everyone but only to me and people around me.They are so immersed in making it big they break so many hearts. Sorry I just needed to let it out if you don't understand it give it like and if you like the post and relate it to it give it a +1, <3 <3 <3

Ps The Royal Baby girl and me have the same birthday Day YAYA

PPs I think I'm jealous she stealing my thunder

pps Kidding Not

Anne out :D
