The Future

I have a pattern. Every time I am falling down a spiral, I write this stupid blog. It's like an addiction I can't remember a time when I didn't have this blog to rant through a shitty arrangement of words.

I'm in that phase of my life where I have to take a major life decision. As a girl who is just starting out my adult life and has made 4 life changing decisions already. I want the world to have the courtesy to stop. And just freeze.

Every where I go I have the words marriage, career, babies and future thrown at me. People in uni already know if they want to get married and have babies and have the job of their dreams and then there's me who celebrated making a meal that didn't come out of a box.

I wanted to take a gap year but how dare I spend time on trying to figure myself out and trying to understand who I am as a person.

But instead I forced on the rat race I call life where I'll have to work till I die. And the one day I will cease to exist and the world will continue.

How is that fair I ask?

Let's face it.

I may never be famous since I don't have a talented bone in my body
I too ugly to be noticed
My writing would make a seven year old seem dignified
And charity is a long shot as I already not yet working have so many people depending on me

As a mundane middle class human I want my justice
