Being a Duff

I saw the movie ok.I didn't read the book.Pls Don't Kill me

In the movie Bianca says "We all are some one's duff"

I like the message behind the movie but what gets me about all these teen movie about the "nerds" , "duffs" and "non popular" is it all ends up with them getting the girl or boy.But irl it doesn't happen we all know that.I know they want to give us hope and make us believe that the hot guy/girl will fall for us.In some movies the nerd falls in love with a another nerd but doesn't happen either.

But as teenagers we all grow up with the notion that the ultimate thing in out life is falling in love and most of the time we make out to be our life goal.

But is love our main goal.

Are we sent to Earth to fall in love ?

Or make a name for ourselves ?

Many of us think High school is the worst part of our lives but I dont agree.The outsode world is 10 times worse.Sure people can't harm you physically when you work according to law but mentally and emotionally they will go for it,Just to psych you.

So as a 12th grader or a senior or in my year 13 I after a lot of contemplation have come up with a theory that sums u why even though we know teenage movies are unrealistic and give us false hope we but all that crap and believe is.

To convince oursleves the world stop being bad at high school

I just watched Cmap takota <3 Im a bit wierd forgive and forget
