
This an article really close to my heart I wrote in the summer of  June-July.And no one should deserve to be treated like one.And im not telling you a sob story but giving my opinion to the world on the subject.Names have been changed.I really hopes this esends a message

My cousins are over and they have come all the way from England.Yay I am going to go with them to Mr and Mrs Black 's house.How fun :D

It was not fun.I was treated like shit

Lila Black (the daughter) treated me like scum cause I'm brown

Didn't introduce me to her other friends but introduced my cousins

Didn't offer me food

Told my cousins they look nice and whispered jokes about me because I am fat that I look liked a walking talking version of a blue whale

Gave me poor dares to look bad in front of  her family

thanked everyone for coming to the party but not me

Offered people cake acted like she was giving me some and walked off when I was talking causing me to hit her dad by mistake

Telling me "it must suck not to afford education" in a subtle but daunting way

I feel like crap

I may not as good looking as my cousins I agree

I can do anything properly I agree

I probably end up working at Mcdonalds I agree

I'm 167 pounds and fat I agree

I tried cut myself but Im too much of a coward I agree

But Why do you treat me so badly!!!

Did I ever hurt you ?

Does my nationality matter more than my personality?

Does my weight constitute my personality ?

Does my intelligence make me weaker than you ?

Does my bank account make me inferior to you ?

DO these reasons

justify how you treat me ?

I was an idiot that couldn't stand up for myself but neither did my cousins.They came home and comforted me but still didn't stand up for me.I never asked why and I asked them today and they said they were scared they would hurt me more.I don't know whether they thought this or felt that she would torture them too why spoil their merry good time.So the next time you see a person being bullies emotionally, physically or mentally.Mine wasn't that bad but defend your'e friend or that stranger cause our world needs more good people

Listen to nobody can drag em down ~1D makes you feel motivated
