Exes and stuff

Hello My name is Andrea/Anne and this is my blog and my life goal is to write about my pathetic life to a bunch of people on the internet you couldn't give a less of a sh*t .

But in the years to come this blog has become my escape and getaway from my life.

So as usual I'm here to pour out all my feelings in hopes to feel better.
Ps I encourage All the people who feel not so good or had a bad day to blog.

My ex from middle school, My first bf who I didn't even kiss or hug. That's why I'm sixteen and not been kissed yes my life is horrible.No its not there are people with worse lives.

But Recently he sends me messages like "call me back and let's hook up".His words not mine and the reason why I'm being a bitch according to his friend.

Well he now in a an all boys school that's why we broke up as he moved to another school and now he trying to contact me as he feels like I'm the only girl who will go for him and I don't know about that but I'm not ready for a relationship and especially with a guy whose line is call me back and let's hook up.

I feel awful to shut him out but no doesn't seem to suffice him.I love him he was my first boyfriend and probably my last as now I'm ugly and look like an elephant and have so many pimples.

But I feel like an horrible person. Should I try telling him no again or should I get with him ?

ANyway Bye

Andrea/Anne out
