Why you gotta be so rude

Teachers think they are the kings of the world.

I normally like and tolerate my teachers.

And from the time I was small there was always that one subject teacher whoever it was who that I hate it - The Bio Teacher

I have been in 3-4 schools and The bio teacher always hates me.But they never took it this far. Since you guys don't know me I'm usually really sensitive which is one of my qualities after fat and ugly I loathe the most and after that comes my ability of sucking at everything and the fact that bio exam tom yet instead of studying I'm bitching to you guys :P

And when my teacher shouted I cried and being in twelfth grade this highly inappropriate and I wanted to throw myself of the building.I know what you all think yes I;m baby and I hate myself for it and ugh why am I so sensitive and anyway where was I ?

Oh yeah and she has making fun of me ever since and I hate it like yeah this other teacher also makes fun of my sensitivity but that's in a playful way and it doesn't bother but her teasing is very Regina George with  a toss of Channel and full on overdose of Amber and Ashley and a lump of Madison from Duff . Basically a mean bitch is what she is and I normally don't call people like that but her I can't stand so much. Bitch is the word.

The reason this world sucks so much is we people just can't play nice Can we. I have my own bullies and demons she should defend me not become one of them.She is the kind of person who lets me lose faith in the world and don't get me started about what my dean said about a tragedy that recently happened.

Why can be nice to each other

Today my dear readers I have challenge for you. Be nice to one person or animal or living thing and make them smile if you can.And on that note i better go study

Thank you for always letting me vent about my  feelings here <3 ya

Anne/Andrea out :P
