Remedies to feel better about yourself

Today I wanted to shrink away and say vanisho and disappear from the face of the earth.

 I cried twice today in class for no freaking reason and before you all say probably cause of your period I say this once.I WASN'T ON MY FREAKING PERIOD .I just did it cause I don't even know anymore what life means

 And when I wanted to talk with my friends they all are in relationships and they don't have
time for me any more so I had to make myself feel better so I came up with this list

  1. Treat your self with a giant pizza and ice cream or any favourite foods 
  2. Binge Watch a tv show
  3. Watch a movie 
  4. Read a book
  5. have a sleepover with friends
  6.  have a marathon of your favourite Youtuber
  7. Have a heart to heart with your sibling or mom or anyone you want
  8. just play some music and dance your heart out or sing or just move
  9. Look back at old picture :') of happy memories childhood would be the best
  10. Imagine situations where you get your happy ever after

Hope that helps .Cheer up.You know you are loved XXXX

Andrea/Anne out
