When I first started writing this blog I thought I was a great writer but now that I read my blog posts back I realised my English is crappy and My Blogs  are meaningless. But then I realised my blog is not for anyone else but myself as no else read its. Maybe I write my thoughts out here as no one knows who I am and they don't care about me to get hurt by what I say. Being a teenager is a phrase used by many and usually followed "It's hard but you wont understand". Then our parents say " You do realise I was your age once". What they don't seem to comprehend is that they lived in very different times from us. Granted they had their own difficulties but we have quite different hurdles from them. We live in a world which is progressing to a state where all us humans are going to be dependent on technology. And yes I am also a slave to technology but along with its positives it has brought some negatives to name some of the few - Cyber bullying. Being a teenager is hard you have to balance your social life, extra activities, studies and for the few who are in a relationship, love.And we teenagers have to have the perfect balance. It's kinda been depressing me lately as all of my close friends have gotten into relationships and then the  rest of them are pretty focused and know exactly where they are heading in life and then there's me who has no idea where I'm going and not even had my first kiss yet. Do you feel like you are the only person not on to a secret everyone knows about ? Is there some club where they tell you what direction to go in. Please tell me about it.But then I realised why I am supposed to follow the crowd so what if I have no direction I will try to get good grades and do  my best I can take a gap year maybe and figure this out.And what if no guy likes me it just means I will end up with 2 or 3 dogs which will make me happier I guess, I am happy I don't follow the stereotypical teenager they portray in films who life is all about getting the boy or girl. I am being myself accepting who I am and being happy about It. And yes I will hit all time lows and sometimes super highs but I'm human but the fact that will try and be who I am and try and be as positive as possible is what really matters I want to change this world make it a better place. And I plead guilty for not getting defeated by all who want to see me fail and fall and break. You may think my grammar is incorrect or my spellings wrong or that I'm over dramatic but to my non existent readers and my only reader aka myself I want you to take away with you the msg that life is not a movie there's no exact archetype that defines you but rather it's up to us to be ourselves and make sure the world casts us as individuals not a blonde,fat girl or Asian but by our names Rosie, Anna , Jeff, Raj , Lia, Deigo and Caspar. The world shall accept us as we are mere Teenagers trying to  be happy in this World
