I feel like Shit

Recently My best friends have got into relation ships,my enemy has a boyfriend and hell even my sister,And this make me happy for them but I feel like shit.Many of friends who are single have been asked out on dates atleast. But for me zilch zero nada .No one has asked me and I'm 16 and not had my first kiss or boyfriend and yes I feel like shit.Anyone would. My friends starts their conversations with my better half or As my best guy friend says that girl I love.......

Like Why. I know what's wrong with me but Being fat is not my fault I try and exercise and stuff but chocolate so good.The other day this guy came and asked me out and i was so happy until he told me it was a dare and badda boom I was crushed.

And it hurts so badlyy.I am so close to just giving up not only Am I shit in school and  I look shit now I suck at everything and I don't know what to do.my mom  tells me I should wait and be happy.That everything will be fine.but it hurts since it's summer my friends keep calling me and i am always the seventh wheel.

So is this natural and do you guys feel it tooo.

Comment down below what age you started dating

Anne /Andreaa out
