Jaspoli part 2 ( with a hint of Troylnor )

Well after my depressing blog the other day I realised that by putting out negativity in the world I'm not helping anyone.And got  a nice message from on of the people who read it saying that I am an idiot in not so kind words so i thought I write about this feeling i had recently about Jaspoli friendship;

Oli and Joe are the new Jaspar there I have said it.I don't know but watching their recent vlogs and videos of the Philippines and Thailand I get this feeling that Joe and Oli have become really close and that's not  a bad thing but I adore their friendship <3.And I  feel bad for Oli cause Caspar always makes it out like he likes Joe  better maybe he does but I feel like Joe is not that close with Caspar cause Caspar says "Hey guys this my best friend Joe" but Joe says "Hey guys this is my "roomate"Caspar ".So I don't know I feel like they have grown apart and maybe that's true or maybe not.But recently I feel their friendship is not that easy going but more like an act .Bring on the hate

And also do you think Joe's dating someone cause in his new main channel video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TitLRNH2WKc] Caspar and Oli keep poking fun at him being in love.

And Are Caspar and Emma still dating ? 

And here's to Oli I love him and his videos have become really funny to watch but I miss James.#OlibringjamesWhitebackinyourevideoswelovehim

And another thing I want to know What you guys think about is this. Do you think the British Community of Youtubers only like Caspar because of Joe cause I sometimes get that feeling so please comment down below what you think .

And why are Connor and Tyler fighting ?

Whose side are you on ?

And yeah I

love all  them and these are just what I feel so yeah bye

Anne/Andrea out :DDD
