
Summer's here !! Sorry I haven't been on here so much but it's because I have been on holidays.And sorry guys wont be on this blog soo much as it's summmer . And well,I'm trying to get ajob but mainly it'll be binge watching so many tv shows and youtubers that I wont have the patience to sit and wrote.Sorry I love my blog but I want a break from writing my feelings and just have fun.But I'll be back in August.

My parents suprised me with a trip to the Himalayas in June and It was the best ten days I had and I stood there In this place they called snow point on the Indian side of the Himalayas It was so beautiful and it gave me so much perspective and I went all movie like and texted All my friends that I am now a changed person (fat chance) and I would put a picture but my phone is really ow on battery and would take a lot of battery to put it up.Anyway the point is not only did I visit one of longest mountain ranges but I actually had my eyes open.

There was this 19 year old girl who had come along with the group who I had connected alot with and then few days into the trip I found her cutting herself.And I tried to talk to her and find out what's wrong with her and She told that her parents didn't love her.And her best friend (supposed) had just spread  a rumour about her losing her virginity to a teacher to get admission into a certain college so life was looking up for her.And my heart ached for her and I sympathised with her and I became quite close to her and while I was on the mountains imagining that I was a changed person . I heard a cry and then turned to find my new friend attempting to jump and Then we all tried talking her out of it apparently she had just got a text from her ex bff that " Heard you were on the Himalayas !! Do us a favour jump off it.XOXOX.

But she then slowly just sat their on the cliff till one of the instructors with us could guide her to where we were.Her face was tear stained and I thought to myself How cruel and you guys probably heard of Amanda Todd and realised that at the time life must have been so hard on her and now see why she thought that was the only way out

But it isn't my friends lets call her Jen is fine now and recovering.Her parents and lil brother were so sad they made her feel that way and are giving utmost attention.And now she's really looking fwd to going to college everyday and now she calls me every day and I am happy for her and she is the one of the selected few who knows about me having a blog.And I know that story escalated quickly but I know people on the internet write and say "it gets better and Oh be happy".But jen wants me to tell you that now it might seem tough but when you face it everyday and come out feeling happy and positive you feel so proud of yourself and learn to love your'e self.Ignore society cause they tell you be yourself and then go say you shouldn't be different always.The victory is worth the struggle,...

So yeah that was umm well I want you guys to be Happy wherever you are. Love you guys
Andrea?Anne out

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