Dear Toxic Friend

Dear Toxic Friend,

Why can't I quit you? People seem to only believe only romantic  relationships are toxic. But you and I know better dont we? We are toxic. Nowdays I get up wondering if you are going to talk to me today. I'm always worried about you and your needs.  I say you are my best friend but you never say I'm yours.

I am obessed with making you happy. I have lost myself. But I cant quit you. I need you to talk to me and tell me your opinions. I don't think you  know when my birthday is. I defend you behind your back. Do you?

In a day the lesser times you talk to me, the crappier the day goes. I know more about your crushes than mine. Why do I care  so much about you?

I want you to be happy all the time. You can hug everyone and tell them you love them. But for me the word doesn't even come out of your mouth, Do I mean that little to you? Does it bother you at all if I don't show up?

Do you care even in the slighest?

Why am I so addicted to you?

I'm tired of it being this way. People think I'm in love with you because I stare at you. But I'm just staring at you because I'm thinking. About why you are angry with me .Thinking about how lucky are other people that they have normal friendships. I love you dear friend. But we are toxic.

A bad writer in a toxic friendship
