Dear Ex-best friend #2

Dear Ex-Best friend

Hey you!

Miss me yet? Cause damn I miss you. Today you posted that picture with your new best friend and I felt emptiness. You broke up with Richard, Tina told me. I almost called you. But as you said you don't need me. You never did.

But you still read my blog you old softy. You still like my instagrmas. You still follow my tumblr. Yet Even you seem to sense that if become friends again there will always be that distance between us. We are not the same anymore and we will never be.

You once told me I was your first best friend. And what I didn't tell you was you were the only friends I could trust. I miss you so much. Today it was quite awkward when I saw you in the hallway as we just nodded to each other, it just confirmed what I already felt that there's no going back from this. We had ruined everything between us. How did this start? What happened to us? Why are we here in the first place?

You are supposed to be the Christina to my Meredith.

What happened to us

Yours a hurt and broken friend 
