Let's get Social? Heck no

When I was small, making friends was one of the easiest things to do. My mom sent me out and they asked me if I wanted to play and I said yes and it was meant to be. Adult interactions on the other hand is so annoying.

I am currently at a family reunion of my cousins and I don't know any of these cousins. As you all know I am back on this blog cause I am sad and my family wanting to cheer me up sent me to this to have with my cousins and theirs.

But oh wait I am fat and that seems to be a problem for everyone. My food quantity is being judged, my body type seems to be an issue and oh my favorite I have to interact with human beings who are so reluctant to interact with me.

Why do I put up with this you ask?
Because my anxious introverted self seeks validation lol

For anyone who has ever been the situation, I have come up with a few ways to help you interact with people who aren't necessarily bad but are just not interested in who you are as a human being.

  1. Rule no 1: Neutral Topics like sports, weather, hobbies and general well being. Stick to these topics. Small talk rules generally make sure conversation don't exceed a minute. If they do means the person want to engage with you and you can talk about personal things or if you want to make curt conversation always ask about your environment or common friends
  2. Rule no  2: Never say I'm shy. I have noticed this seems to be a trigger for adults. They need then go on a rant and explain as to why you can't be shy or introverted in the world. How you should be hungry and always make connections. Unless you have other different experiences I would stay clear of saying this or if you have gauged the situation and think you can handle it. All the better 
  3. Rule no 3: Always engage people who are either also introverted or seem interested to engage. Again this is not a standard rule. Note always gauge your surroundings. But as an introvert or someone who is shy. This person will be more empathetic to what you are going though. And hey strength in numbers. Also there will always be extroverts who want to engage everyone at the party. Take advantage of them. Usually they will make polite conversation and move on or take you along with them and you can be included without having to talk because they all will
  4. Rule no 4: Always smile and being polite: Smiling is key. Especially in south Asian families where every part of your expression is judged. Smile, be polite and get out
  5. Rule no 5: Always ask questions. I tend to always close up and forget every rule to conversation when I am presented with someone and forget topics that I talk about. So simple tip start with "Did you like the new episode of "bla bla". The answer will either yes, no, I haven't seen it yet (Which you can talk about the previous episodes) or my favorite no what's the show about. All of them lead to potential conversation. Event the no can lead to are you a tv person or book and go from there. Always make it seem like you are interested in the other person. Always a useful tip 
That's all I have for now. Keep me in you thoughts and prayers fam. If I die remember for this post if nothing else 

Peace out. Love <3
