I'm back!

Shocker. I am having a crisis

Back when I ended this blog I was very determined not to come back. And I kept my word for a whole year. But my situation has changed. I need this to be my outlet. I realized writing about my feelings did help me.It gave me perspective and the chance to say things  I maybe shouldn't in person.

I also made an Instagram to have political outlet. It's called @acoloregirlsramblings if you want to follow.

You know the Judge from The Good Place saying the Earth is a mess y'all is the biggest understatement of the century.

My country is a mess. Australia is burning and Indonesia is flooding. Let's not forget one of the most powerful countries would rather spend 2 trillion dollars to get military power rather than give Flint cleaner water, help the homeless or improve the fucking joke of a healthcare system.

And to be honest my personal life is a mess too. Most Days I get up not ready for the world. I am tired and exhausted. I fight at home, on the internet and at work.

I need this.

Also shout out to everyone having a rough time. always here to talk. Love you <3

I am glad yet sad to be back

More to come!
