
Showing posts from 2020

No one likes you COVID 19

Hello, I hope you all are fine. I haven't been. My family problems plus applications plus quarratine plus work has made me a little teeny tiny bit moody. So I thought I would make a list of things I have been doing to keep me sane this month. 1) If you want to be productive, do it While it is not necessary to be productive. You can, if you have the mental capacity and time for it. Please don't push yourselves. But it is okay to engage in activities Duolingo - Really good free app to learn languages Female Fitness- Free app for workouts Udemy and Coursera- All courses are 95% off 2) Hobbies If you do not want to learn a new skill. You can always spend time working on an old one. I have started writing again. Even written a few stories and poems. Let me know if I should post them. 3) Hello, It's me Reconnect with old friends. I have had face time sessions and playing games with old friends. It has actually been quite good. Recommend it especially i

Let's get Social? Heck no

When I was small, making friends was one of the easiest things to do. My mom sent me out and they asked me if I wanted to play and I said yes and it was meant to be. Adult interactions on the other hand is so annoying. I am currently at a family reunion of my cousins and I don't know any of these cousins. As you all know I am back on this blog cause I am sad and my family wanting to cheer me up sent me to this to have with my cousins and theirs. But oh wait I am fat and that seems to be a problem for everyone. My food quantity is being judged, my body type seems to be an issue and oh my favorite I have to interact with human beings who are so reluctant to interact with me. Why do I put up with this you ask? Because my anxious introverted self seeks validation lol For anyone who has ever been the situation, I have come up with a few ways to help you interact with people who aren't necessarily bad but are just not interested in who you are as a human being. Rule no

I'm back!

Shocker. I am having a crisis Back when I ended this blog I was very determined not to come back. And I kept my word for a whole year. But my situation has changed. I need this to be my outlet. I realized writing about my feelings did help me.It gave me perspective and the chance to say things  I maybe shouldn't in person. I also made an Instagram to have political outlet. It's called @acoloregirlsramblings if you want to follow. You know the Judge from The Good Place saying the Earth is a mess y'all is the biggest understatement of the century. My country is a mess. Australia is burning and Indonesia is flooding. Let's not forget one of the most powerful countries would rather spend 2 trillion dollars to get military power rather than give Flint cleaner water, help the homeless or improve the fucking joke of a healthcare system. And to be honest my personal life is a mess too. Most Days I get up not ready for the world. I am tired and exhausted. I fight at h