No one likes you COVID 19


I hope you all are fine.

I haven't been. My family problems plus applications plus quarratine plus work has made me a little teeny tiny bit moody.

So I thought I would make a list of things I have been doing to keep me sane this month.

1) If you want to be productive, do it

While it is not necessary to be productive. You can, if you have the mental capacity and time for it. Please don't push yourselves. But it is okay to engage in activities

Duolingo - Really good free app to learn languages

Female Fitness- Free app for workouts

Udemy and Coursera- All courses are 95% off

2) Hobbies

If you do not want to learn a new skill. You can always spend time working on an old one.
I have started writing again. Even written a few stories and poems. Let me know if I should post them.

3) Hello, It's me

Reconnect with old friends. I have had face time sessions and playing games with old friends. It has actually been quite good. Recommend it especially if you miss someone

4) Watching movies and shows

Rom coms and movies that don't really stimulate you are good for times when you need a distraction that doesn't act as a trigger for anxiousness or scary thoughts.

  1. The emperor's new groove
  2. Notting Hill
  3. Sweet Home Alabama
  4. Dr dolittle
  5. friends
  6. Brooklyn nine nine
  7. SNL
  8. Simpsons
  9. Crazy Rich Asians
  10. You've got mail
5) Baking

I made some amazing chocolate cake


6) Stalk insta profiles (Celeb Edition)

Hey, this may not be the most conventional one out there. But I have noticed stalking Celeb's insta especially if they joined back in the day. You will really unearth some gems. I stalked Zach Braff, Khloe Kardashian and Ryan Reynolds. Damn to see their change really makes you think 

7) Tik toks

Yes, I am sure I pissed people off with this one. But I actually spend time watching Tik Toks and they are fun. Even the cringy ones, leave you quite entertained

8) Games like Cards against humanity and Uno 

Playing these online are so much fun. They help people who have a competitive streak. And also it's a good bonding exercise as a family, for siblings, significant others, cousins and friends. 

9) Reading

Some books I have been reading 

  1. Percy Jackson (I know they are for kids. But i love them and occasionally read them again)
  2. The Subtle art of not giving a fuck
  3. Looking for Alaska
  4. The pregnant king 
  5. The count of monte cristo 
 10)  Journaling and Talking it out 

Sometimes writing or talking about how you feel really helps. Especially in unsure times like this. Remind your loved ones and yourself that you are doing the best you can

Stay safe. Wash your hands and stay indoors. 

And stay away from people. 

Sending lots of love and good vibes
A colored girl 
