YouTubers leeching of already famous YouTubers success.

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this. And that maybe reading this some of the YouTubers I like may dislike me but I have to speak my mind.

Till today it confuses me how most of the people watching YouTube will just subscribe to their favorite YouTuber's friends . Like  you all know how much I love Joe and Caspar and they are part of this group called buttercream squad.

which has

Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee,Conor Maynard, Jack Maynard, Oli White,Josh Pieters and Mikey Pearce

So Oli, Jack,Joe,Caspar and Conor Maynard  have been doing YouTube for the longest time. Jack may have just started recently but the truth is he has been doing this for a long time.

But Josh and Mikey have recently just started and have Youtube and already have 100,000 for subscribers which so unfair to many Youtubers who have been working their asses off to make original and interesting content whereas these two mostly Mikey relies on the presence of their friends to help boost their views and earn a quick buck. And have been on YouTube for less then a year and have already double the subs their friends had at that point of time.

Also lets forget Alfie's sister's boyfriend  Sean Elliot O'Connor. The supposed YouTuber gained 100,000 subs in a day. And now has an about 300,000 subs when his channel has been in existence for only about a 4-5 months and this due to Alfie Deyes and Zoella's sucess and not his mediocre vlogs he uploads.

 There are a lot of potential Youtubers out there who are so innovative and deserve the recognition and not friends of already existing Youtubers.  And that's all I have to say I would have left the links of few of those youtubers but then again I would caused a lot of you to compare them to Sean and Mikey and most people will hate on them so I haven't.
