Who am I ?

So far the only question all my blog readers seem to ask me is " Who are you ?"

Who are you?

I'm that girl in class, you don't talk to because I'm not pretty enough according to your standards.
I'm the guy you friend zone because I am not the guy ignoring you and breaking your heart.

I'm the person you call a loner and blame my lack of friends on me and completely ignore the fact that you never tried and ignored all my attempts

I'm the person you ignore

I'm the reason you are popular because those jokes you made about me were hilarious

Mocking my weight

Mocking my lifestyle.

mocking my smile.

I'm the bully with the back story no one cared about.

I just want to be loved

I want to be important

I am human.
I make mistakes.
I try to rectify them.
I'm human I'm cruel and mean.
I'm human I cry at night.
I'm human I laugh till my sides hurt
I'm human I grumble.
I'm human I just want to be accepted 
