
Showing posts from March, 2016

Jaspar moving out theories !!

Happy Easter :D. OR Belated happy Easter I have some Jaspar moving theories and here they are Jaspar theory #1 Joe Sugg is moving in with his girlfriend Jaspar theory #2 They had a falling out Jaspar theory #3 They have hidden feelings and don't want to face the reality so they run away. Jaspar theory #4 Caspar had enough of pranks :P Jaspar Theory #5 Caspar and Joe don't get along no more. This is a very random posts. These theories are just fun and in no way are true and Im not trying to imply that Jaspar are a couple.This post is supposed to be fun and thats it

Self Hate

My Father died when I was very young. And my whole life I have not known how it is to have a father and it hurts me.No, I don't want sympathy I merely want to dedicate this passage to my father on his death anniversary. I was quite young when it happened so I have no memory of him.He died because of a drunk driver.It was all very sudden.My mom brought me up and never gave me a reason to complain or denied me of anything I wanted.But at a small age I realised we live in a dark world.Many men woud intimidate my mother cause she was all alone and my whole life I remember praying that she would come home safely.And sometimes when we walked and the men who would  cat call  and ask me where my dad is. To a 3 year old girl who was bullied for not having a father,the world seemed like a horrid place.I realised at a tender age the world was a cruel place I think I wanted a perfect Dad because i thought it would solve all my problems.But to a 3 year old who her family wanted to shiel

Blog Responsibly

Someone very close to me was hurt by a blog someone had written about them.Both parties were hurt by the words exchanged between them.I for one,want to say this is why my blog is anonymous will never hurt anyone because no one knows who I am. Because when most people are angry, they tend to write the worst things about things or people they are angry with.We often see the most awful parts of people when they are angry but even if you do write about them.You do have freedom of speech,but sometimes for the sake of peoples happiness you should refrain from typing their name and tag them and share it on your facebook.That's pushing it a bit far don't you think? Also what I want to put out there is that I am no superior being and in no way have my life under control but the only things of advice I offer is.These are my simple mantras I try to live my life by are Be nice to people Try to make yourself happy Blog Responsibly Okay I'll shut up now. Bye have a great d

Rip Charloette Eades XOXO

One of my favourite youtubers and go check out her  channel now.

A message to my best friend

I am happy It's the day I have always Dreamed of You are turning 18 You are a whole year older than me But best friend I am soo happy for you And I know you will go out and Change this world. I know right now with all the drama You don't want to celebrate your birthday Because of it. But its you 18th and I sincerely hope you will reconsider it And it hurts me that I am never going to see you for a long time in a few more months Because We are going to different colleges. And it hurts to see you hurting and yes I hate that guy who did this to you. He's an entitled asshole. But I want to know you are very loved and your are the prettiest girl on this planet. And I am so grateful for you. And I know you're going to be fine after we go our separate ways but I just hope you will miss me at least a smidge.But enough about me. It;'s your birthday and I want you to have a lot of fun. Live your life on your terms. Prove

Poem #12

Poem 12 Dreams broken People clashed They were once perfect But now they reminded each other Of what they could have been I could have been a writer You could have been a singer But we ended up giving it all that For Love Love? It disappeared The day I looked at you And felt like everything I ever wanted Had been taken away from me By you And you looked at me The same way I did With regret,bitterness And every feeling except Love It was missing And it will always be missing :) Thank you guys for 900 views you guys make me so happy <3 <3.I really never thought my badly written blog would get even one read never mind 900.. I love all of you guys so much. :P