
Showing posts from July, 2015

Happy birthday Selena Gomez :)

You were my childhood inspiration and still are. You are really one of my favourite singers and I love you so very much !! happy birthday Queen 30 post swag 


Life mostly doesn't comes with instructions but there are people all round us to tell the jest of things-whether it's giving birth,having sex or getting married.but one thing that no one knows about is Death.It is one of those mysteries of life-What is there beyond Death ? Is our soul still alive or is it end of everything.Yesterday I had a panic attack just thinking about how when I die the world will still revolve as if nothing and very soon any remembrance of me on this earth will vanish and that'll be it.I mean imagine 100 years later no one will remember who you were and even famous people will soon disappear maybe slower than us but they still do disappear . i mean come on We all barely know our great grand parents never mind their parents and some children today don't even bother with their parents death. I mean imagine someone from 3015 reading my blog (yeah right) and imagining oh god our forefathers or foremothers? were very grumpy and moody teenagers,a

Jaspoli part 2 ( with a hint of Troylnor )

Well after my depressing blog the other day I realised that by putting out negativity in the world I'm not helping anyone.And got  a nice message from on of the people who read it saying that I am an idiot in not so kind words so i thought I write about this feeling i had recently about Jaspoli friendship; Oli and Joe are the new Jaspar there I have said it.I don't know but watching their recent vlogs and videos of the Philippines and Thailand I get this feeling that Joe and Oli have become really close and that's not  a bad thing but I adore their friendship <3.And I  feel bad for Oli cause Caspar always makes it out like he likes Joe  better maybe he does but I feel like Joe is not that close with Caspar cause Caspar says "Hey guys this my best friend Joe" but Joe says "Hey guys this is my "roomate"Caspar ".So I don't know I feel like they have grown apart and maybe that's true or maybe not.But recently I feel their friendshi

I feel like Shit

Recently My best friends have got into relation ships,my enemy has a boyfriend and hell even my sister,And this make me happy for them but I feel like shit.Many of friends who are single have been asked out on dates atleast. But for me zilch zero nada .No one has asked me and I'm 16 and not had my first kiss or boyfriend and yes I feel like shit.Anyone would. My friends starts their conversations with my better half or As my best guy friend says that girl I love....... Like Why. I know what's wrong with me but Being fat is not my fault I try and exercise and stuff but chocolate so good.The other day this guy came and asked me out and i was so happy until he told me it was a dare and badda boom I was crushed. And it hurts so badlyy.I am so close to just giving up not only Am I shit in school and  I look shit now I suck at everything and I don't know what to mom  tells me I should wait and be happy.That everything will be fine.but it hurts since it's summer my