Sex and the city ( A review 20 years later)

I have this habit of re watching old sitcoms whenever I see memes based on it or read something interesting for example Full house or my all time favorite Fresh prince of bel Air. So when I watched one of the SATC movies I realized how I perceived the characters was only based on the movies. And had no idea who Aidan was and didn't really understand most of references.

So I decided to watch the series and what I realized was I HATED IT.

The premise is quite bold for a 90s sitcom. But the characters. Miranda is the only character that doesn't make me want to scream.

Carrie is everyone's best friend. And that's not possible. Sam,Miranda and Charlotte seem to have no rapport except during banter when they meet. No friendship. They are never portrayed to hang out or even have a relationship unless the episode demands it.

In a time where we need to prove women have to stick together. The show seems to come in rather poor taste. Also don't get me started on the portrayal of LGBT while forward for the time. It hasn't aged well at all.

Stanford and Anthony. How do they even end up together. Has no one watched the show?

All in all it left a bitter sweet taste. Maybe this show should have been left in the nineties
