You and I

We are from two different worlds
You and I
You like pretty boys
I like pretty girls
You like mornings
And beginnings
I like the dark of the night
And the ending is what excites me

You like darker colors that make you look so pretty
I like lighter colors that makes
Everything seem softer
Makes the world seem like a happier place

You like order
You are the most organised person I know
Then there's me who is so messy
That it's a wonder I don't get lost

I hate being prim and proper
But you love it
You love parties and just dancing the night away
But I love being in the background
Dancing when I'm alone
And just being in the shadows

We are so different
Yet so similar
We both are insecure
We protective of the people we love
It's takes us long to trust a person
We have had our heart broken so many times
But we are fighters

But there's one things that makes us different
There's one thing that makes You and I different is
I'm in love with you
