
I don't get it Society
When you see a fat girl eating cake 
She's a glutton 
Yet a girl who has a great figure according to you
is eating a cake
They are praised and glorified

Boys can't cry 
But they can rape and abuse 
What can they do ?
Boys will be boys

Boys can't be abused and raped 
Because women are weak and can't harm men
Women who work also have to manage at home
But if men stay home and take care of the kids
Everyone will lose their shit

Children's shows that show lgbt+ characters
are ruining children yet violence shown in the the tv shows are fine
You are not racist but if your child dates another race it's unheard of

Call your own children monsters for being who they are
And throw them on the streets
They are not the monsters

Tell people to be themselves and judge them for it
Give men and women ridiculously high standards to meet 
And claim no body is perfect

Shun women who work in the sex industry 
But not the men who are the reason they are in the industry in the first place

Women can be abused and never progress in a company
But god forbid if they pay the check

Here's to society which people keep blaming yet never participate in initiative to change
