Fake Friends

We all have one friend in our lives who are fake and yet we keep trying to convince ourselves that's its true friendship or is that only me?

One of my fake friends or my only one has recently started a blog and you don't know how much it pains me that I cant scream from the top of my lungs that I have a blog that has 1500 views and 70 articles and I have had it for the past 2 years. 

But recently one of my friends told me that me and a person I once thought was my best friends have a toxic relationship.

And its true. And so to the reader here are signs you have a fake friend

  1.  They don't know basic things about you like your birthday, colour etc
  2. They never want to meet you or just hang out
  3. Every secret you have ever told them has "mysteriously" been spread
  4. They only hang out with you out of necessity
  5. They hit on your crushes
  6. They don't go out of their way to help you
  7. They never listen to you.. It's always about them
  8. They have dated your exes
  9. They bitch about you behind your back and they bitch about other people to you
  10. They insult things you like on purpose
  11. They make you feel like shit

So save yourselves. There is enough negativity in this world. You dont need some in your inner circle you go boo!!! 
