
Showing posts from April, 2020

No one likes you COVID 19

Hello, I hope you all are fine. I haven't been. My family problems plus applications plus quarratine plus work has made me a little teeny tiny bit moody. So I thought I would make a list of things I have been doing to keep me sane this month. 1) If you want to be productive, do it While it is not necessary to be productive. You can, if you have the mental capacity and time for it. Please don't push yourselves. But it is okay to engage in activities Duolingo - Really good free app to learn languages Female Fitness- Free app for workouts Udemy and Coursera- All courses are 95% off 2) Hobbies If you do not want to learn a new skill. You can always spend time working on an old one. I have started writing again. Even written a few stories and poems. Let me know if I should post them. 3) Hello, It's me Reconnect with old friends. I have had face time sessions and playing games with old friends. It has actually been quite good. Recommend it especially i