
Showing posts from July, 2017

Chester Bennington

My heart is heavy. There is one less angel on this planet You changed my life. This socially awkward freak always found comfort in your words and voice I'm sorry you were sad I'm sorry this world keeps disappointing the good people "This world was never meant for One as beautiful as you  Now I think I know What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will" We will always love you <3

Selena Gomez

Dear Selena, You will probably never read this. But still I want to put it out there in the world. I'm honestly very thankful for you. I know the haters always have something negative to say and at times you will always feel like the world wants to get you down but you are a queen. Too pure and beautiful for this world and it's negativity. I assume you miss Demi. I'm not going to lie I miss your friendship. But we all have friends who at one point we told everything to that we don't talk to anymore. We all miss them. We want them to succeed. I know you want that too. I know some days you miss her when you realized a few things only she would ever find funny and nobody else. It's an inside joke only both of you would understand.  But life moves on. And so have you. You and your boyfriend are very cute. I hope he treats you right. I hope hes the kind of boyfriend you can count on. Even when's hes on tour he makes sure to check up on you. Make sure you'