
Showing posts from January, 2016

Poem #9

Best friend I love you You are there for me Best friend I love you We can do crazy shit together Best friend I love you  You make me smile Best friend i love you  Your the light in my life You punch that guy Who broke my heart You are the mastermind Behind our crazy plans We play Tswift all day long We sing to Sel and Demi We laugh at Jaspoli We read fanfic What would I do without you ? Best Friend I love you

Poem 10?

High School Musical Reunion was everything I ever wanted Poem 10 Today the day I waited for All this time I have been thinking of it The day I give you my Heart And tell you that I loved you The day all those stares All those words we exchanged those night long calls The chicken soup you made me What was the cause of my happiness ? You were Your friends knew My friends knew Your Parents knew Mine knew  When I saw you I smiled the brightest smile And I saw her And with one glance the whole world I thought I loved for my fortune Faded away into the shadows As you kissed her I felt numb Your Friends told me that you were an ass And I was ten times the girl she was But she wasn't the person to blame you were She wasn't at fault you were She didn't know when she heard about it I saw her expression It was the sames as mine You broke two Hearts that day You know whose a jerk ? You are

Hello 2016

                                                                                                 New Year expectations/resolutions                                                                                          Lose Weight Stop Being a spoil sport Be Less sensitive Dance in public Be Carefree Study Harder Try and make an effort with my looks Be myself Blog often Stop acting like my life's sad Have my first kiss Be Happy with what I have Anne / Andrea out :D

Poem #8

You made me hate love on the first day of the year You made me hate myself on the first day of the year You made me lose faith in men and relationships on the first day of the year You made me forget how it felt to smile on the first day of the year You lost my love I lost my self respect I am walking in the dark You are not there to lead me You were supposed to make my year Not break it You were supposed to be my knight in shining in armour Not the reason I cry at night I am a strong woman You loved that about me But you broke me So no man can love me again All on the first day of the year Anne/Andrea out <3